The Week in Quotes (May 17 – 23)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

State Rep. Sarah Davis, R-West University Place, explaining why she did not add her name to the House Republican Caucus’s anti-gay marriage letter issued last week.

I don’t feel the need to pass legislation or vote for legislation that prohibits two adults who love each other to be able to be joined in a civil union or marriage. It does not affect my marriage.

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State Rep. Sylvester Turner, D-Houston, expressing his displeasure with the relatively small amount of education funding set by the budget conference committee compared to border security funding.

Conservatives spend money like they’re printing money.

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Sen. Ted Cruz in a meeting with local leaders in Beaumont, bristling at being asked several questions about his stance on marriage equality.

Is there something about the left […] that is obsessed with sex? ISIS is executing homosexuals — you want to talk about gay rights? This week was a very bad week for gay rights because the expansion of ISIS.

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Texas Values president Jonathan Saenz on the Family Research Council’s “Washington Watch” program, accusing the TAB of “turning their back on Texas values” because of their opposition to discriminatory bills in the legislature.

The business lobby, the Texas Association of Business, has decided now they’re going to put all their investment in the homosexual agenda, and that’s one of the things they did.

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The Austin American-Statesman editorial board urging the Texas legislature over the weekend to focus on important state matters, rather than discriminatory bills, in the final two weeks of the session.

The two-year state budget is the only piece of legislation lawmakers are required by the Texas Constitution to pass. So enough nonsense — especially of the discriminatory kind.

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