The Week in Quotes (March 16 – 22)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Rush Limbaugh, expressing his annoyance with House Republicans for their plan to vote on the construction of a National Women’s History Museum, an undertaking Limbaugh considers totally unnecessary.

We already have, ladies and gentlemen, I don’t know how many museums for women all over the country. They are called malls.

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Beth Cubriel, executive director of the Texas Republican Party, on equal pay for women.

Men are better negotiators, and I would encourage women, instead of pursuing the courts for action, to become better negotiators.

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The head of a Republican PAC targeting women voters in Texas, saying she doesn’t support laws that address the gender wage gap because “women are busy.”

We lead busy lives, whether working professionally, whether working from home, and times are extremely busy. It’s a busy cycle for women, and we’ve got a lot to juggle. So when we look at this issue we think, what’s practical? And we want more access to jobs. We want to be able to get a higher education degree at the same time we’re working or raising a family.

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Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, saying in an interview that voters soon will learn more about bombastic Houston state Sen. Dan Patrick, who advertises himself on Facebook as “Christian Leader.”

I pray with groups all the time, but I don’t have to go tell people I’m a Christian.

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Austin Ruse’s explanation of his comments in which he called for liberal university professors to be “taken out and shot.”

It was not intended to be taken literally.

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A group of 45 nationally recognized religious leaders, issuing a joint statement supporting universal access to contraception.

We affirm, in accordance with each of our faith traditions, that ensuring equal access to contraceptives through insurance coverage is a moral good.

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Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy, expressing regret that he made his company a part of the same-sex marriage debate.

The bottom line is we have a responsibility here to keep the whole of the organization in mind, and it has to take precedence over the personal expression and opinion on social issues.

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Sen. Ted Cruz, speaking to parents and children at the Network of Iowa Christian Home Educators.

I guess it was deemed insensitive to atheists. I kind of thought it was the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists.

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Don Huffines, who defeated incumbent Texas state Sen. John Carona in their Republican Primary last month.

I certainly think all students should be aware of creationism. They should be aware of that, absolutely. Teaching it as a science, it should be taught on equal footing.

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BONUS: Yet another list of things Rafael Cruz says.

4 thoughts on “The Week in Quotes (March 16 – 22)

  1. “As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,—as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen,—and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.”- Treaty of Tripoli, submitted to the Senate by President John Adams, receiving ratification unanimously from the U.S. Senate on June 7, 1797, and signed by Adams, taking effect as the law of the land on June 10, 1797.

  2. Uh huh…of course no men ever go into malls, so why have ANY museums? Limburger, as we all know, has lost what decency he had long ago. He is a bag of hate as most misogynists are. Sooner or later, he’s going to die of either a massive heart attack or a stroke. I don’t wish that on him, it’s just what is going to happen. But fear not, there are too many hate mongers out there to take his place.

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