The Week in Quotes (March 1 – 7)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

“Duck Dynasty’s” Phil Robertson, on who is to blame for sexually transmitted diseases.

There is a penalty to be paid for what the beatniks, who morphed into the hippies [did]. You say what do you call the hundred and ten million people who have sexually transmitted illnesses? It’s the revenge of the hippies! Sex drugs and rock and roll have come back to haunt us.

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Right-wing pseudo-historian David Barton.

The Bible says if you engage in homosexuality, your body will do things that will penalize you. So if you can have a vaccine for AIDS, then you’re keeping your body from penalizing you. I don’t think they’ll ever find a vaccine for AIDS.

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Dr. Ben Carson, explaining why he believes being gay is a choice.

Because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight — and when they come out, they’re gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question.

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U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, responding to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s belief that Congress would fix Obamacare if the Court weakens it.

This Congress, your honor?

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Chris Wallace, president of the Texas Association of Business, on the organization strongly opposing legislation allowing a “license to discriminate” against LGBT Texans.

But we’re proud we have these partners at the table with us because we’re all working together to make sure we keep Texas open for business, and that we are seen as a place that welcomes all people and not one that excludes any groups of people.

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