The Week in Quotes (June 30 – July 6)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

TFN founder and current Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, during the Stand with Texas Women rally held on the front steps of the Texas Capitol.

Texas women are tough. We’ve survived hurricanes, tornadoes and we’ll survive the Texas Legislature too. To put it in terms Rick Perry can understand, I’m an American, I’m a Texan and no government can make personal decisions for me.

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Texas state Rep. Steve Toth, R-The Woodlands, using an absurd anecdote to argue against sex education.

My wife worked at a home for unwed moms, and one of the little kids that was born, his name is David. David came about as a result of his mom and dad, who were just 16 at the time, going to a Planned Parenthood deal where they taught them how to use contraceptives. They were not sexually active at that point. They got into the car, and they were so hot and bothered from this deal, he couldn’t even get the condom on.

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Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis on CBS’ Face the Nation yesterday.

[P]oliticians are using (abortion) to boost their own political aspirations, their own political aspirations, their own political ambitions… Thousands and thousands of women, will no longer have access to this safe reproductive health care. And we all know what happens in the context of the lack of that access. We’ve seen it before in our country’s history and I fear that for their political ambitions Gov. [Rick] Perry and Lt. Gov. [David] Dewhurst are willing to cast that aside, put women in harm’s way, in order for them to step up on the political ladder.

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Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis, at a rally Monday protesting the Republican-dominated legislature’s third attempt at passing abortion-restricting legislation this year.

For years, too many Texas politicians have tried to boost their careers by bullying women who need help with health care. Our state is in trouble. Every single statewide office is held hostage by the kind of politician who cares more about their own future than that of their fellow Texans.

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Texas state Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, at a Celebrate America event at Mims Baptist Church in Conroe.

There is no separation of church and state.

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U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, on the Supreme Court’s ruling against the Defense of Marriage Act.

From a philosophical standpoint, you know, we got intellectuals on the court who are believed to support the idea that evolution is how mankind got here and there is an ongoing evolution occurring. And I can’t just help but wonder, as these brilliant intellectuals have gotten to this point, how marriage between two men fits into the evolving of producing higher offspring that make the species higher and better.

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One thought on “The Week in Quotes (June 30 – July 6)

  1. New term just heard today from the kind of people who elected Perry: “toldjuns.”

    Used in a Sentence: “I toldjuns that a baw with a lag what’s broken can not git a sheerleder pragnunt.”

    Translation: “I told you ones that a boy with broken leg cannot get a cheerleader pregnant.”

    This message was brought to you by the intellectual elite. Hey, nobody can just make this stuff up. It’s actually out there on the streets voting and making decisions that affect all of us.

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