The Week in Quotes (July 8 – 14)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

David Brody, chief political correspondent for the Christian Broadcasting Network, on the new incarnation of politically active conservative Christians.

The Moral Majority of the 1970s and early 1980s has morphed into a fiscally disciplined, tea party conservative, evangelical movement.

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From a History News Network poll that asks readers to vote on the least credible history books from a list that includes “The Jefferson Lies,” by David Barton.

We asked our reader community to send us their nominations for the least credible history books around, and the response was enormous (including an article in the New York Times)! From dozens and dozens of nominees, we’ve taken the top five most submitted.

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Melinda Gates, referring to a study that compared a group of women with access to contraception and birth-control education to a similar group that did not have access to those things. Gates is promoting an ambitious family planning program — which includes raising billions of dollars to provide contraceptives to 120 million women worldwide — at the London Summit on Family Planning July 11.

(In) the community that had access to contraceptives, the women chose to use them, the families grew up wealthier, fewer women died in childbirth.

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Ralph Reed, describing the far-right organization he chairs, the Faith and Freedom Coalition.

[A] 21st century version of the Christian Coalition on steroids.

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Texas state Rep. Garnet Coleman, D-Houston, on contraception opponents extending their war to include preventive services.

This is definitely new. And it’s disturbing, because again, it’s penny wise and pound foolish.

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