The Week in Quotes (Jan. 10 – 16)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Audio from a robocall received by Iowa voters from the American National Super PAC, a white nationalist group.

I urge you to vote for Donald Trump because he is the one candidate who points out that we should accept immigrants who are good for America. We don’t need Muslims. We need smart, well-educated white people who will assimilate to our culture. Vote Trump.

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Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, replying to a forum question at Drake University about abstinence-only education.

When sexuality is an intrinsic part of human life — we should not run away from it. We should explain biology and sexuality to our kids on a factual basis. Period.

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Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law professor at Harvard University who taught Cruz, on the Republican president candidate’s “constitutional hypocrisy.”

Ironically, the kind of justices [Ted Cruz] says he wants are the ones that say he’s not eligible to run for president. This is important because the way this guy plays fast and loose with the Constitution, he’s a fair weather originalist.

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Justin Levitt, newly-appointed deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, on the challenges faced this election year after changes to the Voting Rights Act and new voting laws in states like Texas.

[There is] an immense amount going on in the voting section to make sure that the rules we play by are fair, not just focused on this election, but well into the future.

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Kathy Kneer, CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, announcing a lawsuit against the anti-abortion activists that produced a series of heavily edited videos of the family planning provider’s staffers talking about fetal tissue donations.

We’re going on the offensive to expose this fraud for what it is and hold the people behind it accountable — in order to prevent further harassment of our patients and staff and protect access to the preventive and reproductive health care Planned Parenthood provides to millions of people each year.

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