The Week in Quotes (Feb. 1 – 7)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

President Obama, praising church-state separation in remarks during the annual National Prayer Breakfast.

Our government does not sponsor a religion nor does it pressure anyone to practice a particular faith or any faith at all. The result is a culture where people of all backgrounds and beliefs can frequently and proudly worship without fear or coercion.

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Kory Watkins, the leader of Open Carry Tarrant County, implying that state lawmakers might be guilty of treason if they don’t vote for open carry legislation.

We should be demanding that these people give us our rights back. Or else it’s punishable by death.

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Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, on inviting Imam Moujahed Bakhach to Dallas County Commissioners Court after Bakhach withdrew from giving the invocation at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo due to a social-media backlash.

What the Stock Show did is the same thing I do: We have people come and pray, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, everything, to support people expressing their faith.

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State Rep. Molly White, R-Belton, excusing her now-infamous Facebook post about Muslims visiting her Capitol office.

Hindsight’s 20-20. I never thought it was going to go viral. And I thought it was just to folks that were in my district. I didn’t know that there [were] fringe groups out there watching every word you say and things you do.

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Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee, discussing an excerpt from his new book in which he says he has friends and associates who are gay.

I don’t drink alcohol, but gosh — a lot of my friends, maybe most of them, do. You know, I don’t use profanity, but believe me, I’ve got a lot of friends who do. Some people really like classical music and ballet and opera — it’s not my cup of tea.

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