The Week in Quotes (Aug. 25 – 31)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Texas State Rep. Steve Toth, R-The Woodlands.


Texas State Board of Education vice chair Thomas Ratliff, R-Mount Pleasant, during the CSCOPE debate with state Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston.

What this has become is a tug-of-war between two guys who want to be lieutenant governor, and they are using public schools as the rope. And I’m tired of them being the rope.

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Attorney General Greg Abbott on the proposed San Antonio nondiscrimination ordinance, arguing against a religious test while intending to impose his own religious beliefs about marriage.

The proposed ordinance runs contrary to the Texas Constitution, which prohibits religious tests, and also defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. This ordinance is also contrary to the clearly expressed will of the Texas Legislature.

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Televangelist Pat Robertson, suggesting that individuals with AIDS in cities like San Francisco purposefully infect others by cutting them with special rings.

You know what they do in San Francisco, some in the gay community there they want to get people so if they got the stuff they’ll have a ring, you shake hands, and the ring’s got a little thing where you cut your finger. Really. It’s that kind of vicious stuff, which would be the equivalent of murder.

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President Obama, in remarks delivered Wednesday during the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.

The arc of the moral universe may bend toward justice but it does not bend on its own. To secure the gains this country has made requires constant vigilance, not complacency.

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State Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, who is running for lieutenant governor, on a proposed San Antonio ordinance that would add protections for sexual orientation and gender identity to the city’s nondiscrimination code.

The proposed San Antonio ordinance runs counter to the Holy Bible and the United States Constitution.

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One thought on “The Week in Quotes (Aug. 25 – 31)

  1. President OBama’s remark, or the sentence referenced as part of a longer speech, are admirable in their intent and their eloquence. I am proud we have an intelligent
    man holding our highest governmental office.
    Like many, I really don’t want to watch America dropping weapons in Syria or firing Harpoons at them in a stand off manner.
    I think it is much more important for the Europeans, and the Arab league to get involved in seapartating the Sunni population from their Alawite antagonists and keep them apart, even if it means a two state scenario. . Sadly, sectarian schisms in the League prevent them from stepping in while the European’s reluctance to engage in any Middle eastern conflict continues.
    If given some time, I believe more support for some form of retaliation and weakening of Assad’s regime is going to occur in light of these chemical attacks
    and eventually, Assad’s regimes key players are going to be held accountable in the world court.
    No nation has a moral claim to not having caused needless deaths in conflicts,
    however, it is clear that the chemical weapons used are a very very clear violation of international law and Assad and his generals are going to have to pay for it.
    As to the Israel comparisons, I think Israel has a right to exist, and their presence in Judea, (now called the West Bank),
    and Gaza’s insistence on anti Israel rhetorhic will not get them economic educational and cultural success. They will have to do that themselves. If they want to engage in a political process that recognizes the rights of others, I think they will see better results for themselves.
    Arabs living in Judea are not violently protesting Israeli policies. The reason?
    They know they are safer, better off economically and living better quality lives because of their living in Israel.
    You can be pretty sure, the Arabs will not force the Israelis out of Judea. If they can do
    that, Israel will be incredibly vulnerable to Arab attacks,geographically almost cut in half and ultimately would be destroyed. The Israelis are not going to let that happen. If the Arabs can’t accept other’s cultures and must hate others and each other, they are going to have their fingers burned every time they mess with the Israelis. Pretty basic stuff nd I’m sure something that would absolutely infuriate any Arab who read that.
    Bottom line, John Lennon had the right idea.

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