The Week in Quotes (Aug. 17 – 23)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, on creationist criticisms of his show “Cosmos.”

You have to ask yourself, what are the numbers behind the people making these claims? Someone like Ken Ham [owner of the Creation Museum] has beliefs that are even crazy to many Christians.

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Anti-abortion activist Lila Rose, on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

It hurts the pro-life cause, which calls for a consistent, cohesive ethic on the dignity of ALL human life, when pro-life politicians take part in gimmicks or events, however well-intended, that contribute directly and unapologetically to the culture of death.

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Gov. Rick Perry, responding to his grand jury indictment on two felony charges.

I stood up for the rule of law in the state of Texas, and if I had to do it again I would make exactly the same decision.

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“Trunews” host Rick Wiles claiming that Obama supports ISIS, and is “more than a Muslim, he is a jihadist.”

[President Obama] is waging jihad from inside the White House, his foreign policy is 100 percent pro-Islam, he has waged jihad on this country, he has shredded the Constitution, he has defiled the U.S. military by forcing the military to accept homosexuality. Obama is destroying Christian America, that’s his assignment as a jihadist, it is to destroy Christian America.

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Former adviser to George W. Bush, Mark McKinnon, on why he believes the Republican party can and should be in support of marriage equality.

As I’ve said before, I don’t expect Republicans to be out in the street advocating for gay marriage. But I do expect — and it’s already happening — that many conservatives in Texas and beyond see the writing on the wall. Our party, including the base, is divided on the marriage issue. Majorities of evangelicals and conservatives younger than 45 support the freedom to marry. They do so because it’s consistent with their conservative values of individual liberty and stronger families.

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Ted Nugent in his WorldNetDaily column, concluding who is to blame for the turmoil in Ferguson, MO.

You don’t need to be a social psychologist, anthropologist, criminologist or even a greasy Motown guitar player to understand why America has urban warzones. It is the result of liberals who believe every problem can be solved by massive government spending and a bumbling, lethargic, counter-productive bureaucracy, instead of demanding accountability.

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John Fitzpatrick, the executive director of Educate Texas, a nonprofit that launched the Texas Teaching Commission in 2011 to advance policies related to the profession.

We have been successful in Texas creating a wide range of options for entering the teaching profession. I worry about transparency and quality with the number of alternative certification, online, for-profit and not-for-profit programs without having a parallel scorecard or way to understand quality or effectiveness.

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2 thoughts on “The Week in Quotes (Aug. 17 – 23)

  1. It’s Sunday, August 24, 2014, the election is only about 8 weeks away, and you know what that means!!! Yes, that’s right. It’s “Right Wing Nutjob Gaffe Time in the United States.

    Tune in for the thrills, the spills, and the shills. No statement is too wild. No act is too looney. See whole campaigns flushed down the toilet with a single word. See the Republican war on women. Watch old people vote themselves into the poorhouse. And of course, as always in the Republican Party, Autumn means it’s open season on black people, Hispanic people, and other racial or ethnic groups. Watch frightened and shivering children cast as villains. Watch poor people, lonely people, sick people. and homeless people be cast as ravening thieves.

    And above all else—remember that all of the foregoing is done—in the name of Jesus.

    1. Charles, you could summarize the entire Republican effort as a war against ignorance and stupidity. If the Democrats could persuade the entire nation to convert to homosexuality and force the remaining few to murder their babies in the womb, think of what a utopian nation we would have in 50 years.

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