The Week in Quotes (April 15 – 21)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

New York Times columnist Ross Douthat, discussing his new book in which he argues that religion in the United States has fallen into heresy.

Institutional religion in the United States — institutional Christianity in particular — is much, much weaker today than it was 40 years ago. But religion itself is as strong as ever. … But the eclipse of institutional faith, and the eclipse of what I would say was a kind of a Christian center that the country used to have, has created a landscape where religion divides us much more than it used to.

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Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, on dropping his bid for the White House.

As we all know, just because God calls you to do something doesn’t mean he calls you to be successful.

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First Baptist Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress — who last year called Mormonism a “cult” — changing his tune on Mitt Romney now that the race for the GOP nomination appears to be over.

Given the choice between a Christian like Barack Obama , who embraces non-Biblical principles like abortion, and a Mormon like Mitt Romney, who embraces Biblical principles, there is every reason to support Mitt Romney in this election.

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Glenn Smith, a Democratic operative who was an adviser to Gov. Ann Richards, on the ongoing speculation that Gov. Rick Perry is laying the groundwork to run for another term as Texas governor.

He’s like a bad TV sitcom that’s just run too long.

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Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller, expressing her sadness at the news that progressive champion and TFN supporter Bettie Naylor has passed away.

Bettie was at the first grassroots event I attended in Austin when I moved here more than 20 years ago. From my time at Planned Parenthood through my early days at TFN, my days working against domestic violence and again here at TFN, one constant was Bettie Naylor and her activism, her optimism and her can-do spirit. I and everyone else at TFN will miss her very much.

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2 thoughts on “The Week in Quotes (April 15 – 21)

  1. Here is what the hypocrite Jeffress said after getting slammed by Bill Bennett at the Republican Conference

    To say that I am a bigot because I prefer an evangelical Christian over a non-Christian, I wonder if that makes Bill Bennett a bigot because he prefers Republicans to Democrats. I mean, we ought to be able to say ‘yes I believe that a Christian in office is better than a non-Christian’. I reminded people yesterday, Alex, that it was John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who said “we have the duty and the privilege as Christians to select and prefer Christians as our leaders”.

    Why should anyone care what this unprincipled man says?

    1. Well, perhaps Catholics should be worried as to whether he supports John Jay’s exclusionary ideas on their faith, also.

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