The Week in Quotes (April 13 – 19)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Religious right favorite and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

My gosh, I’m beginning to think that there’s more freedom in North Korea sometimes than there is in the United States.

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David Barton, claiming a fabricated increase in violence due to the removal of the Bible in public schools during a speech at Victory Christian Center.

When we took the Bible out of schools, violent crime increased 694% since that point in time. Wow.

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Former Sen. Jim DeMint’s explanation of how slavery came to an end.

Well the reason that the slaves were eventually freed was the Constitution, it was like the conscience of the American people. Unfortunately there were some court decisions like Dred Scott and others that defined some people as property, but the Constitution kept calling us back to ‘all men are created equal and we have inalienable rights’ in the minds of God. But a lot of the move to free the slaves came from the people, it did not come from the federal government. It came from a growing movement among the people, particularly people of faith, that this was wrong. People like Wilberforce who persisted for years because of his faith and because of his love for people. So no liberal is going to win a debate that big government freed the slaves. In fact, it was Abraham Lincoln, the very first Republican, who took this on as a cause and a lot of it was based on a love in his heart that comes from God.

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Episcopal bishop Gene Robinson, reacting on Twitter to President Obama calling on him to deliver the closing prayer at the Easter Prayer Breakfast. Robinson is the first openly gay Episcopal bishop.


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State Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, steering the conversation toward abortion during an immigration policy debate with San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro.

If a mom comes across the border pregnant, I want her to have that child, I want her to have that Hispanic child. You believe she has a right to take that baby. I want to protect that baby, because we are born in the image of God.

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Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly, suggesting that women would find it difficult to find husbands if the pay gap were eliminated.

Suppose the pay gap between men and women were magically eliminated. If that happened, simple arithmetic suggests that half of women would be unable to find what they regard as a suitable mate.

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San Antonio Pastor John Hagee, telling members of his megachurch to prepare for the end of the world because a “blood moon” eclipse last week signaled that the End Times could be beginning.

I believe that the heavens are God’s billboard, that he has been sending signals to planet EarthGod is literally screaming at the world, ‘I’m coming soon.’

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Bill Nye the Science Guy, writing about his much-hyped debate with Creation Museum founder Ken Ham.

Perhaps there was no winner, as this was not a scored debate. Nevertheless by all, or a strong majority of, accounts, I bested him.

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Charles J. Cooper, the conservative lawyer who defended California’s ban on gay marriage at the Supreme Court. Cooper is now planning his daughter’s upcoming same-sex wedding ceremony.

My family is typical of families all across America. We love each other; we stand up for each other; and we pray for, and rejoice in, each other’s happiness. My daughter Ashley’s path in life has led her to happiness with a lovely young woman named Casey, and our family and Casey’s family are looking forward to celebrating their marriage in just a few weeks.

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