The Week in Quotes (April 1 – 7)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

El Paso Mayor John Cook, referring to a group that fought to end health benefits for gay and unmarried partners of city employees and then tried to recall him after he voted to restore the benefits.

Bigotry disguised as religion is still bigotry.

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Baba Brinkman, a performer at Rock Beyond Belief. The gathering marked the first time the U.S. military hosted an event expressly for soldiers and others who don’t believe in God.

We got any Darwin fans in the house?

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TFN President Kathy Miller, raising questions about the involvement of WallBuilders President David Barton in fundraising events for Texas State Board of Education member David Bradley.

Clearly, we think this raises serious legal questions about Mr. Bradley’s fundraising and Mr. Barton’s participation in it. But it also rings alarm bells about potential cronyism and highlights how big a role politics plays in decisions about what textbooks our kids use in their schools.

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Rick Santorum spokeswoman Alice Stewart to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, assuring viewers that the long, winding road to the Republican presidential nomination will go through Texas when the state holds its primary on May 29.

He’s expecting to do well in his home state, but mark my word, Wolf, Texas will be a critical state in this primary process. Keep an eye on Texas, that’s going to be important.

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Jeni Brazeal, a health educator with Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services. The agency has started using text messages to answer any questions teens may have about sex or reproductive health.

Encouraging teens to delay sex until they’re emotionally ready and physically ready for it is always a priority. But we also want to make sure they get the information they need to make healthy choices.

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