TFN Statement: Texas Lawmakers Plan Yet Another Attack on Trans Kids in Third Special Session

For Immediate Release
Sept. 21, 2021

AUSTIN, Texas — Today, the Texas State Senate  Committee on Health & Human Services is holding a hearing considering SB 3, a dangerous and cruel bill that would ban transgender children from participating in youth sports corresponding to their gender identity. The effort marks the fourth time this year—once during the normal session and again in each of the three special legislative sessions—that Texas lawmakers have attacked trans kids. 

Activists and Texas House Democrats have defeated these shameless attacks on children three times before, and this time, as the Senate appears likely to advance SB 3 for consideration in the House, it’s critical that the House keeps this hateful legislation off its docket.

Texas Freedom Network Political Director Carisa Lopez issued the following statement:

“Anti-trans legislation under consideration in the Texas Legislature is cruel and unnecessary at any time—let alone a special session. SB 3 is nothing more than a disgusting attack on the transgender community to score cheap political points and ignore the real issues facing Texans today.

“It’s appalling that Governor Abbott’s determination to discriminate against transgender people would take even a minute of the legislature’s time. As the COVID-19 pandemic is worse than ever, and as our power grid still demands critical fixes ahead of the coming winter months, to instead spend time bullying trans kids isn’t just cruel—it means thousands of Texans will die.

“If the Senate once again votes to pass this bill, the Texas House of Representatives must reject SB 3—just as it has in sham session after sham session. The Texas Freedom Network will be there to make sure of it.”


The Texas Freedom Network ( is a grassroots organization of religious and community leaders and young Texans building an informed and effective movement for equality and social justice.

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