TFN Statement on Texas House Endorsement of Discrimination

Approval of Rep. Krause amendment would require universities to sanction discrimination

May 15, 2013

Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller today criticized passage of a measure in the Texas House of Representatives that would force the state’s colleges and universities to give their official approval to students organizations that discriminate.

“When given the choice between making Texas universities a place where all students are treated equally or requiring universities to endorse discrimination on campus, the Texas House voted to stand for discrimination,” Miller said. “Even as the rest of the country rushes forward to ensure equality under the law for all its citizens, the Texas House seems determined to find new and devious ways to undermine basic fairness in its public institutions.”

The 78-67 vote in favor of adding an amendment by state Rep. Matt Krause, R-Ft. Worth, to Senate Bill 215 was met by cheers and applause from some in the House. The measure would allow officially recognized student organizations that receive taxpayer-funded support to exclude certain students from membership, including discrimination based on sexual orientation.


The Texas Freedom Network is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization of religious and community leaders who support public education, religious freedom and individual liberties.

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