TFN Spokesman Talks about Texas Science Textbook Battle on MSNBC

Ryan Valentine, Texas Freedom Network’s deputy director, spoke on MSNBC today about our work defending science in this year’s textbook adoption at the State Board of Education. Check it out and see how Ryan puts to lie claims by anti-evolution activists that they just want students to be able to “ask questions”:

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2 thoughts on “TFN Spokesman Talks about Texas Science Textbook Battle on MSNBC

  1. Good Job, Ryan. Watched the entire clip. You looked & sounded very professional. You brought up a good point about expecting and encouraging school kids to be critical and ask questions. That’s what they should do. If the discussion is about science, the topic must stay on the science track. ID & creationism are not science — they are humanities and literature. ‘Nuff said.

    1. Teach evolution and ID side-by-side in classrooms? Absolutely! Just make sure that you also teach Chemistry and Alchemy, Astronomy and Astrology…

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