TFN on the Road

We wanted to let readers know about opportunities to meet Texas Freedom Network staff members and learn more about the organization in events this fall.

TFN’s annual members’ reception in Houston is set for September 21. Click here to learn more and to register to attend.

Our annual members’ reception in San Antonio is on October 19. Click here to register.

TFN’s 15th anniversary celebration is October 7 at the Bob Bullock Texas History Museum in Austin. The event will include a silent auction, an awards ceremony, music and great food and drink. Click here to purchase tickets.

Check out our events calendar online for TFN speaking engagements across the state. Please contact the hosting organization for more information about each event. We will update our calendar with new events as they are confirmed.

So come on out to meet other TFN supporters and learn more about the work of the Texas Freedom Network.

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