TFN Monitors Special Legislative Session

What most observers expect to be a short special session of the Texas Legislature begins today in Austin. Gov. Rick Perry called the session to deal with lawmakers’ failure this spring to reauthorize the Texas Department of Transportation and four other state agencies scheduled to end operations under the state’s system of periodic Sunset review.

If the governor does not expand the session’s call to other topics, we don’t expect lawmakers to deal with hot-button issues like State Board of Education reform, sex education and stem cell research. Even so, far-right pressure groups have been mobilizing activists. Texas Freedom Network will be ready to act if culture warriors attempt to hijack the session.

2 thoughts on “TFN Monitors Special Legislative Session

  1. Do we have a new SBOE chair yet? I thought law required Perry to pick one as soon as possible. I guess he’ll wait for the session to end, so that the new nominee doesn’t need to be confirmed, huh?

    1. Joe,
      The Constitution does say the governor should appoint another chairman without delay, but he has not chosen one yet.

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