TFN Membership Drive 2011

This week is Membership Week at the Texas Freedom Network, a time when we hope that you’ll show your appreciation for the organization’s work and its mission by becoming a member, or renewing your membership.

You can do so by clicking here.

For more than 15 years, the Texas Freedom Network has been the premiere organization dedicated to fighting the radical right in Texas. Given the political realities of our state, our work has never been more important.

As readers of this blog well know, just over the past year we’ve been successful in drawing national attention to the serious problems at the State Board of Education. And we continue to resist efforts to dumb down science in Texas classrooms.

During the current legislative session, we’ve continued to insist that the state pay attention to the growing problems associated with teen pregnancy. And even today — this very morning, in fact — we’re criss-crossing the halls of the Legislature to fight private school voucher schemes that threaten to siphon already scarce tax dollars away from our public schools.

In other words: We’re busy, and it’s not likely the far-right in Texas will let us take a vacation any time soon. But we can’t continue this fight without your help.

Please consider joining the Texas Freedom Network or renewing your membership. And help spread the word by using the sharing tools below to post this to Twitter, Facebook and other networks.

From the full TFN staff — thank you for all the ways you support our efforts to make this state a better place to live, work and go to school.

One thought on “TFN Membership Drive 2011

  1. I would suggest that no one give even one copper cent to TFN. According to a mathematics-based prophecy calculated by an 89 year old fundie Christian radio mogul in Florida, Judgment Day and the end of the world is going to occur precisely at 6:00 p.m. on May 21, 2011. That is just 10 days from now!!! And no, I do not know if that is EDT or Mountain Time. I would guess that it is EDT because Florida is on EDT. It is supposed to begin with massive earthquakes that will begin all over the world at that time. According to the prediction, the saved (which I suspect only includes only Christian fundamentalists) will be raptured out of here—leaving everyone else behind. For those left behind, the earthquakes will continue until October 2011 all over the Earth. Massive death and destruction on a scale beyond human imagination will prevail throughout the Earth during this time. I am not sure what happens after October 2011. You’ll have to check out the Left Behind books to figure out that one.

    So you see. Any contribution you might make to TFN would just be a waste of time and money.

    Well, hold that thought for a minute. Anyone want to bet on whether the far right members of the Texas SBOE will get raptured out of here? What if they are not? What if they are left behind as part of God’s plan to make all the left behind people just that much more miserable.


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