TFN Brings Dionne to Austin on Thursday

The religious right is still a powerful force in Texas, but is it finally on the decline in the rest of the country? That’s what E.J. Dionne, the award-winning columnist for The Washington Post, suggests in his best-selling book Souled Out: Reclaiming Faith and Politics after the Religious Right. You can still reserve a seat to hear Dionne talk about the religious right’s influence at a TFN Faith and Freedom Speaker Series event this Thursday (September 24) in Austin. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church, 901 Trinity St, in Austin.

You can reserve a seat here. Admission is free.

Dionne is one of the nation’s most respected voices on faith and politics in America today. Dionne has reported for the New York Times and the Washington Post and began writing his column for the Post in 1993. He has also been a frequent commentator on public television’s NewsHour, NPR’s All Things Considered and major network news shows.

This is the fourth year of TFN’s Faith and Freedom Speaker Series, which brings to Texas leading voices and cutting edge thinkers from the busy intersection of culture, politics and religion in contemporary America.

Admission is free, but we recommend reserving a seat here.

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