Texas Senate’s Preliminary Approval of HB3859 Puts Taxpayer-Funded Discrimination a Step Closer to Law

May 21, 2017

The Texas Senate tonight gave preliminary approval, 21-10, on second reading to HB3859, which would allow child welfare services providers that contract with the state to use religion to discriminate against qualified parents and children. Final passage on third reading is required. The House has already passed this bill. Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller has the following statement:

“It’s worse than disheartening to watch politicians cynically misuse religion as an excuse for allowing taxpayer-funded discrimination against qualified parents and vulnerable kids simply because of who they are or whom they love. Hundreds of faith leaders from Texas and across the nation have warned that bills like this are about discrimination and hurting people, not protecting religious freedom. Frankly, this bill’s passage reinforces the reputation of Texas as a state run by politicians who are hostile to treating everyone equally under the law.”


The Texas Freedom Network is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization of religious and community leaders who support religious freedom, individual liberties and public education.

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