Texas GOPer, Hate Group Leader Prays for God to Destroy Lawmakers Who Support LGBT Equality, Women’s Reproductive Rights

Steven Hotze, the head of Conservative Republicans of Texas (which the Southern Poverty Law Center last year added to its list of hate groups), is asking supporters to pray for God to destroy lawmakers who support LGBT equality and women’s reproductive rights:

“Pray this imprecatory prayer for the wicked state legislators. In the Name of Jesus, I prophesy and declare: may all the individuals serving in the state legislature, and their staff, who support, promote and practice sodomy and other perverted, sexually deviant lifestyles, who support the killing of unborn babies, and who hate God’s Law and God’s Word, receive just retribution from God for their evil actions. May they receive what their unfaithful ways deserve. May they be consumed, collapse, rot and be blown away as dust from their current positions because of their wicked works, thoughts and deeds. May people scorn them and nations abhor them. May their punishment lead them to repentance and faith in Christ. May God’s will be done in their lives.”

Hotze’s precedes his call with Bible verses that call on God to destroy one’s enemies. He writes:

“The reason that God destroys the man who justifies the wicked and condemns the righteous is because that man has despised the Law and Word of God Almighty, the Lord of Hosts, the Holy One of Israel, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

And that’s just one of the extremists Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has allied himself with in his misguided, hateful war on LGBT Texans and women’s reproductive rights.

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