Texas Freedom Network President Val Benavidez has the following statement on today’s opening of the 87th Legislature in Austin.

Texas Freedom Network Statement on Opening of the 87th Legislature

TFN President: Legislators Must Focus on Real Priorities Like the Pandemic, Protecting Democracy, Not Culture Wars


Texas Freedom Network President Val Benavidez has the following statement on today’s opening of the 87th Legislature in Austin:

“Dealing with a deadly pandemic that continues to ravage our state and the need to reinforce democratic values and institutions must be top priorities in this legislative session. Legislators will fail if they refuse to address the disparate impact the pandemic has had on Texans of color and other marginalized communities, if they perpetuate lies about ‘stolen elections’ to make it even harder for Texans to vote, and if they turn redistricting into yet another exercise in extreme partisan gerrymandering to suppress the huge changes taking places in the state’s electorate. These priorities are far too important to allow culture warriors to hijack yet another session with attacks on reproductive rights and the lives of LGBTQ Texans. This state is changing rapidly. It’s time for our lawmakers to acknowledge and embrace this change and bring Texans together to meet the challenges we face.”


The Texas Freedom Network is a grassroots organization of religious and community leaders and young Texans building an informed and effective movement for equality and social justice.

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