Texas Freedom Network Statement on AG Ruling on Public School Bible Classes

Texas Freedom Network Statement on AG Ruling on Public School Bible Classes

TFN President Says AG’s Opinion Correctly Interprets Legislative Intent and Helps Save Local School Districts from Legal Minefield

August 28, 2008

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said today that the state’s public school districts are not required to offer courses about the Bible. Note that this opinion takes on extra significance since the State Board of Education last month refused to adopt clear, specific curriculum standards required by the Legislature. Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller said the attorney general’s ruling correctly interpreted the Legislature’s intent that school districts have the option to offer or not offer these elective classes. Miller said:

“Local school boards can now breathe a sigh of relief. The State Board of Education threw them under the bus last month by refusing to adopt the clear, specific standards schools need to give the Bible the respect it deserves and help them stay out of court. Now schools won’t be required to maneuver through a legal minefield without a map.”

The attorney general’s ruling is available here.


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