Tea Party Nation Founder Attacks Methodists

Polls show a significant minority of Americans voice support for the Tea Party, an anti-government movement tied closely to a variety of right-wing funders, lobbyists and causes. Whether or not we agree with them on specifics, we don’t doubt that there are civic-minded Tea Partiers frustrated about what they see as over-reaching government. But it has become clear that the Tea Party movement is tied more and more to religious and political extremists. The newest example is an online rant by Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips against, believe it or not, the United Methodist Church. Writing in a blog post on Sunday, Phillips attacks the church for its support of immigration reform and allegedly a “social justice manifesto [that] is like reading a socialist wish list”:

“They want amnesty, they want ‘economic justice’, they opposed ‘global climate change’ (earth to the Methodists, man isn’t doing it), fighting global poverty (here is another hint, most poverty is caused by a lack of freedom and lack of a free enterprise system). Not shockingly, the Methodists side with the Islamists against Israel, and of course oppose America in Iraq.”

Phillips says his dream is “no more United Methodist Church,” a church he lumps in with “Socialists, Communists and Marxists”:

“In short, if you hate America, you have a great future in the Methodist church.”

So says one of the “patriots” of a Tea Party movement whose supporters claim to be “taking back our country.” The closer one looks at the Tea Party movement, the clearer it becomes just what kind of country they really want America to be.

11 thoughts on “Tea Party Nation Founder Attacks Methodists

  1. “……and of course oppose America in Iraq.”

    I wonder what Phillips even intends for that to mean? That the Methodists want to bring Saddam Hussein back from the grave? And Heaven forbid that Christians try do do anything about poverty! Isn’t “the poor you shall always have with you” in the Bible somewhere? What better way to keep Cambodians poor than pay them $0.85 a day to make $85.00 tennis shoes for teabaggers to buy their kids?

  2. I left a comment to his post, but he deleted it. It was one of my famous Harry Truman posts. I told the truth and it just sounded like hell. Someday soon he will figure out the fact that the Tea Party is now disliked and distrusted by both the Republicans and the Democrats and is ripe for the ash can of history.

  3. The Methodist office building on Capitol Hill, one of two private properties on The Hill, has been the operating base for a wide number of operations and causes directly associated with the Red side of the Cold War such as those who supported a VC/NVA victory over US and allied troops during the Vietnam War.

    I used to work next door to them at that time as Legislative Counsel to the Reserve Officers Association at One Constitution Ave NE. I was always puzzled as to how an established religion like Methodism would allow itself to be used as a toilet for the dung of the day.

  4. Wonder how he’d feel about the fact, yes fact cause I’ve seen him there, of the Tea Party Darling Rick Perry being a full member of the Tarrytown United Methodist Church?

  5. Your comment about the United Methodist Church is totally incorrect. The United Methodist Church is an inclusive denomination that’s why we are “United”. Our beliefs are in the creator; that there is “good” in humankind; we give to the poor, help the sick and needy, visit persons who are in prison, safe-guard our natural resources; and may be democrats, republicans or independants.

  6. When I saw this in a message from a friend the other day my immediate reaction was – Well, we have finally made it. I remember years ago when the issue of homosexuality was an issue, someone said the Methodist Church is so broad it is flat.
    The Rev. Bert Clayton, retired ( 7.5 years) United Methodist Minister

  7. I certainly can’t say that the UMC is perfect – far from it as it is an human institution – but I am proud of the stand it’s been willing to take on controversial and broad-scope issues over the years. I would be very excited to welcome additional open-minded, open-hearted people to our congregations, but I am also very aware that in some areas of the US “tea party” affiliates are already deeply involved in the UMC (note Aline Jordon’s comment about Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s membership in the Terrytown UMC) and are already (if I dare use the word) “plotting” to change things. I am curious to see what happens next.
    Rev. Mary Lue Eastmond, retired Deacon, UMC of Oklahoma

  8. It is a strange world, indeed, in which someone who imbibes in tea instead of coffee (a REAL American drink) has to attack a mainstream attack.

    I had hoped that the Tea people would have disappeared after the election of so many Republicants/won’ts. I’m tuning out on politics for the next two years and will probably be moving out of Texas as it has become WAY too radical for my tastes. If it wasn’t for the snow, Vermont sounds nice.