Taking the SBOE Campaign to the Democratic Convention

If you’re planning to be at the state Democratic Party Convention in Houston this weekend, be sure to visit the Texas Freedom Network booth in the exhibit hall. And don’t miss the highlight of the convention — the Texas Freedom Network’s workshops*.

That’s right, the Texas Freedom Network will have two convention workshops this year.

Here are the details:

Not Your Parents’ Progressive Movement: Training and Tactics for Youth Activists
Friday, June 8
1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
George R. Brown Convention Center
RSVP on Facebook

Ignorance Is Not a Texas Value: Electing a Smarter State Board of Education
Saturday, June 9
9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
George R. Brown Convention Center
RSVP on Facebook

We hope to see you there.

*In keeping with its mission as a nonpartisan organization, the Texas Freedom Network asked to host identical workshops at the state Republican Party convention. As they have since the 1990s, Republican officials declined the request.

4 thoughts on “Taking the SBOE Campaign to the Democratic Convention

  1. Is there a way people can get an online copy of some of the workshop material(s)? I know that we have educational issues here in Georgia, too, and learning some ideas regarding what changes can be made in terms of Governmental and Educational policy would be helpful not just in Texas.

  2. I attended the TFN presentation as a delegate from Kerr County at the Democratic Convention this weekend. We Democrats in the Hill Country are dedicated and involved in electing a smart and balanced person to the SBOE from our district. We will be requesting the workshop materials from [email protected]. Thanks!!

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