Later this morning we’ll be at the state Senate Committee on Education hearing that will take up school vouchers. As we told you yesterday — and as we’ll be telling the committee today — vouchers are always a bad idea. But at time when school district budgets have been slashed, a scheme that drains even […]
New School Year, Same Old School Voucher Scheme. Plus, the Unabomber
This Friday we’ll be monitoring a state senate photo op committee hearing here in Austin on one of the longstanding pet causes for the far right: school vouchers. Yes, vouchers are back. Again. After failing to pass voucher legislation at each legislative session since 1995, the far right seems poised to try, try again next […]
‘Failure’ Is a Relative Term for Louisiana’s Private School Voucher Scheme
Vouchers drain tax dollars from neighborhood public schools to pay for tuition at private and religious schools that are unaccountable to taxpayers and not held to the same standards as public schools. State rules just issued for Louisiana’s radical new voucher scheme are a case in point — especially when it comes to defining and […]
Saying No to Private School Vouchers
It doesn’t look like many Louisiana families are anxious to join their state’s elected leaders in abandoning public schools. It appears that the state’s radical new private school voucher scheme has attracted just 10,000 applications out of 450,000 students. Moreover, about 1,000 of those applicants already participate in an existing voucher program limited to New […]
Muslims Give Another Louisiana Lawmaker Second Thoughts about Voucher Scheme
As this headline on Rachel Maddow’s blog says, “Publicly funded religion for me, not for thee.” We told you last month that a Louisiana legislator had turned against an already-passed private school voucher scheme in his state because a Muslim school had applied to accept those tax dollars. But he’s not the only state lawmaker […]