Empower Texans (ET), a relatively new and aggressive pro-vouchers group, is continuing the far right’s campaign to undermine confidence in Texas public schools. In May, ET president Michael Quinn Sullivan made statements focused on school spending and the ratio of teachers to non-teachers that are, at best, deliberately misleading. Example: Sullivan noted that there are […]
Another Blow to School Voucher Schemes
A variety of studies in recent years have revealed that private school voucher schemes don’t live up to their promises of giving families better options and improving public schools through competition. Now a new study reveals that private schools most available to the low-income families that vouchers are supposed to help tend not to offer academic benefits […]
Texas House Reaffirms Opposition to Vouchers
The Texas House has just voted 122-22 to bar any public funding for private school voucher schemes in the next state budget. We just released the following statement from Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller: “We saw schemes to drain money from public schools to pay for vouchers divide this Legislature for more than a […]
Stem Cells, Vouchers Could See House Votes
The Texas House of Representatives today is taking up the state’s budget bill. Yesterday the Texas Freedom Network sent out the following Action Alert: Upcoming House Budget Debate Will Include Critical Votes on Stem Cell Research and Vouchers Two crucially important issues will be debated when the Texas House of Representatives takes up the state budget (SB […]
Voucher Bills Again at the Texas Capitol
Proposed schemes for private school vouchers — which drain money from neighborhood public schools to pay for tuition at private and religious schools — have sparked heated battles in Texas legislative sessions since the 1990s. Tomorrow the Senate Education Committee will take up two key voucher bills. Senate Bill 1301 by Sen. Florence Shapiro, R-Plano, would […]