Texas Eagle Forum's Anti-Common Core Hysteria

Let’s get this out of the way up front: the Texas Freedom Network neither supports nor opposes the Common Core standards. But it’s increasingly clear that some opponents are incapable of having a rational debate about these educational standards for mathematics and English/language arts. A consortium of states and independent organizations developed the standards, which 44 […]

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The Peculiar History of a Religious-Right Kingmaker in Texas

In February we told you about Conservative Republicans for Texas, a right-wing political action committee run by Houston physician Steven Hotze. Hotze has been a prominent religious-right leader in Houston for decades; in fact, one of the most extreme and vicious. His activist resume includes especially venomous and vile anti-gay campaigns, including against the city’s current mayor. […]

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More on the Groups Behind Today's Religious-Right Conference in Dallas

Our friends at Right Wing Watch have more about United in Purpose, one of the group’s behind a religious-right conference a at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport hotel today. We reported about the conference earlier this month. Following is a cross-post from Right Wing Watch: Today, Religious Right leaders including Rick Scarborough, David Barton, Jim Garlow and Glenn […]

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Why We Need Mexican-American Studies in Texas Schools

This week TFN launched #SupportMAS, a campaign to encourage the Texas State Board to add an elective course in Mexican-American studies to the state curriculum. In announcing the campaign, we asked a friend of TFN to explain why the state needs a MAS course. His message is below. You can add your name to the […]

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