Breaking News: Harris County Grand Jury Indicts Makers of Anti-Planned Parenthood Videos

The religious right’s vicious and deceitful attack on Planned Parenthood — part of a long war on abortion and other other reproductive health care services for women — appears to be backfiring in a big way. Last year anti-abortion activists released a number of deceptively edited, undercover videos that suggested Planned Parenthood was illegally selling tissue from aborted fetuses. Religious-righters and their […]

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Ted Cruz’s Father Ties Public Education to Communism

Rafael Cruz, the fringe religious-righter and father of Texas senator and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, is claiming (inaccurately, of course) that our nation’s public education system was founded by “a member of the American Communist Party.” Here’s an excerpt from a report by our friends at Right Wing Watch: The elder Cruz alleged in an interview on the Sirius XM program […]

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Unhinged Hate from Texas Gov. Abbott’s ‘Blood Brother’ Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent, the aging right-wing rocker who prominently campaigned with Greg Abbott and calls the Texas governor a “blood brother,” today launched into an especially vicious and seemingly unhinged attack on President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. On his Facebook page, Nugent called for Obama and Clinton to be “tried for treason & hung.” An excerpt: Our unholy rotten soulless criminal […]

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Prisoner Swaps and the Politics of Deceit and Hate

For years, religious-right groups screamed that President Obama was ignoring the imprisonment of a Christian pastor in Iran. The American Family Association (a prominent backer of former Texas governor Rick Perry) has been so hateful that it even suggested the president cares more about Muslims than he does a Christian like that pastor, Saeed Abedini. Then […]

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Progress in Texas Textbook Battle: Publishers Agree to Key Changes

As the State Board of Education prepares this week to vote on which new social studies textbooks to approve for Texas public schools, we are encouraged that publishers are making a number of changes to problematic passages in their texts. In each of these instances, publishers are responding to serious concerns by scholars working with […]

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