Texas state Rep. Molly White, R-Belton, lost her re-election bid in the Republican primary on March 2, but she’s still reinforcing her reputation as one of the Legislature’s biggest Islamophobes. Wednesday night she posted on her official Facebook page a link to a video featuring Brigitte Gabriel, one of the most vicious anti-Muslim extremists in America today. In […]
Texas Attorney General Tries to Bully Target into Discriminating
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who last year suggested that government officials can discriminate against gay and lesbian couples seeking marriage licenses, is now trying to bully retail giant Target into discriminating against transgender people. […]
The Cost of Discrimination Just Went Up
Pay attention, Texas lawmakers: The cost of laws that encourage individuals and businesses to discriminate against LGBT people just went up. On Wednesday the NCAA Board of Governors adopted a new requirement that sites seeking to host events like the Final Four for men and women’s basketball must “demonstrate how they will provide an environment that is safe, healthy, and free of discrimination, […]
Has the Texas Attorney General’s Office Become a Tentacle of a Religious-Right Group?
It’s beginning to look like the Texas Attorney General’s Office is no longer working just for the people of Texas. Under Attorney General Ken Paxton, the office seems to be carrying water now for religious-right interest groups — especially the Plano-based litigation group First Liberty Institute, which rejects separation of church and state. The El Paso Times reports […]
Bruner: Pre-K Programs Are Federal Plot to Make Children Gay
If you were disappointed that extremist Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) candidate Mary Lou Bruner had taken her Facebook profile private, therefore depriving you of a window into what she truly thinks, today’s your lucky day. […]