From today’s TFN News Clips: “Let me go on the record as saying, I believe in Satan.” — Texas Gov. Rick Perry, responding to a question from Evan Smith of the Texas Tribune about recent Perry comments that Satan is spreading untruths around the world Stay informed with TFN News Clips, a daily digest of […]
David Barton Calls Idea That the Bill of Rights Was Intended to Protect Rights of the Minority ‘Ridiculous’
Having his distorted book on Thomas Jefferson pulled off the shelves by a prominent evangelical publisher doesn’t seem to be slowing down David Barton’s efforts to rewrite history. Now he’s promoting an essay in which he calls the idea that the Bill of Rights was intended to protect the rights of the minority “ridiculous”: Sadly, […]
Groups Set Symposium on Stem Cell Research for Oct. 19 in Austin
The Texas Freedom Network supports stem cell research, which offers hope to millions of people struggling with serious medical conditions like cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, diabetes and spinal cord injuries. But each legislative session religious-right groups try to ban one of the most promising form of this research — embryonic stem cell research — in Texas. […]
A Conservative Version of History
Texans are painfully aware by now (or should be) how the right revises history for political purposes. Even the conservative Thomas B. Fordham Institute, for example, has criticized right-wingers on the Texas State Board of Education for adopting new social studies curriculum standards that represent a “politicized distortion of history.” Now The New Yorker magazine […]
Perry Backers Promote Wild Claims about Murder of U.S. Ambassador
Bryan Fischer, who last week called on religious-righters to rally around Texas Gov. Rick Perry in 2016 if Mitt Romney loses the presidential election this November, is promoting wild claims about the murdered U.S. ambassador to Libya. Here is a post on his Twitter account Monday: “Ambassador to Libya was gay, Hillary knew it, sent […]