Bryan Fischer: ‘Get God and Guns Back into Schools’

Bryan Fischer, a spokesperson for the right-wing group American Family Association (and a supporter of another presidential run by Texas Gov. Rick Perry in 2016) has Friday’s horrifying massacre in a Connecticut elementary school all figured out. Fischer posted his “solution to school violence” on Twitter this morning: “Solution to school violence is to get […]

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Punishing People for Whom They Love

Efforts by religious-righters — like the extremists over at Focus on the Family-Texas Free Market Foundation Liberty Institute Texas Values — to bully the Pflugerville school district just outside Austin are revealing. They want the district to drop its new policy giving domestic partners of employees access to health insurance benefits (with premiums paid by […]

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Cathie Adams: ‘President Obama Fried His Brain on Drugs’

This has to be said: Cathie Adams, president of the far-right group Texas Eagle Forum and former chair of the Texas Republican Party, is probably one of the most hateful people in politics today. So it’s hardly surprising to hear that Adams characterizes the president of the United States as a brain-addled druggie. Our friends […]

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