Gov. Perry Compares Opposing Gay Boy Scouts to Opposing Slavery

On Sunday Texas Gov. Rick Perry compared efforts to keep the ban on gay Boy Scouts to efforts by Sam Houston to oppose slavery and secession just before the Civil War. From our friends at Right Wing Watch: Gov. Perry, speaking at a “Stand with the Scouts Sunday” webcast sponsored by the Family Research Council […]

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Now David Barton Is Commercializing Faith

For David Barton, apparently everything is a commodity. Stuff like this makes it hard to take Barton and his ilk seriously when they complain that others are disrespectful of people of faith. They have done all they can to turn the National Day of Prayer into an occasion to promote a political agenda. Now they’re […]

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Discovery Institute Plays 'I Have a Secret'

As the Texas State Board of Education prepares to adopt new science textbooks for public schools this year, we expect to see plenty of junk science thrown around by evolution deniers. And among the most prominent evolution deniers are the folks at the Discovery Institute — the Seattle-based outfit that promotes the concept of “intelligent […]

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