If you were watching our Facebook page this week, you may have noticed a series of silhouetted pictures teasing a big announcement of this year’s celebrity guest for TFN’s EPIC Evening. Well, we’re very proud and honored to reveal that the person depicted by a silhouette in those images is Bill Nye the Science Guy. […]
TFN President Criticizes Sen. Patrick for Harassing School Districts and Teachers Over CSCOPE
On Sunday, Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, posted on his Facebook page to ask his followers to report to him about teachers who use CSCOPE in their lessons. Here’s TFN’s response, as issued to the press this morning. Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller is calling on state Sen. Dan Patrick, the Houston Republican who chairs […]
From Cathie Adams' Fevered Mind: Grover Norquist Is a Secret Muslim Because 'He Has a Beard'
Certain loaded words can get tossed around too freely in political discourse. “Bigot” is one of them. But, you know, sometimes that word just fits very well. Take, for example, Cathie Adams, president of Texas Eagle Forum, the Lone Star branch of Phyllis Schlafly’s far-right outfit. Adams proudly parades her prejudices on issues ranging from […]
Four Men on Fox News Freak Out over the Rise in Women Breadwinners
In the category “Things We’re Not Surprised to See on Fox News,” four men — four MEN — practically lit themselves on fire over a new study indicating that women are the sole or main breadwinners in 40 percent of American households with children. The Pew Research study found that 37 percent of those families […]
Republican Lawmaker in Oklahoma Wants Politicians Out of Private Lives; What About GOP Lawmakers in Texas?
Oklahoma state Rep. Doug Cox, a physician who has delivered more than 800 babies, is frustrated with his Republican colleagues who want legislation limiting women’s access to both abortion and contraception. In a column in The Oklahoman newspaper, Cox asks with dismay: “What happened to the Republican Party that I joined? The party where conservative […]