EPIC Week for Bill Nye the Science Guy

Nice week if you can get it, no? First, our TFN’s EPIC Evening speaker BNtSG is the subject of a splashy NYT profile. Then he is named POTW on ABC. It was a BFD IMHO. Here’s the ABC vid:   […]

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Louie ‘King Crab’ Gohmert

Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert apparently thinks the way to cut the federal deficit is by attacking the poorest and neediest Americans. And he’s willing to trot out the old tried-and-true smears that right-wingers have used for decades. On Thursday, Gohmert offered his justification for cutting billions in assistance to low-income Americans who get support from […]

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Bill Nye for Texas State Board of Education. Please?

You should really spend a few minutes today reading this New York Times profile of Bill Nye the Science Guy published this week. The quotable, pro-science stuff in the NYT piece and in the accompanying video below got us thinking that Bill would make an excellent Texas State Board of Education member. OK, maybe a […]

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Louie ‘Terror Babies’ Gohmert: Nukes as Border Control?

East Texas Congressman Louie “Terror Babies” Gohmert doesn’t like President Obama’s pledge to scale back the U.S. nuclear arsenal (along with the the arsenals of other nuclear powers). He tweets: Is now really the time to reduce America’s nuclear strength, when we can’t even secure our borders? http://fxn.ws/145pFHz What is he suggesting? That we nuke […]

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