Robert Jeffress Flip-Flops on Romney

It becomes difficult to believe you’re not using faith for political purposes when, like First Baptist Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress did, first you say this: “I have conservative friends who are saying, well, he believes in Jesus, we believe in Jesus, let’s just hold hands and sing kumbaya. It doesn’t work that way. If a […]

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Texas Education Board Candidate: The Pilgrims Were Communists!

Informal rule of the Internet: If you Google what you think sounds like a wild historical claim and the first hit leads you to websites from conspiracy theorists and historical revisionists, your instincts are probably correct. Take, for example, a wild claim by Gail Spurlock, R-Richardson, who is running for her party’s nomination for the […]

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Opposing Texas SBOE Candidates Talk Evolution and Science Education

We can’t republish the Waco Tribune-Herald’s full Q-and-A pieces with Texas State Board of Education incumbent Gail Lowe of Lampasas and her challenger in the District 14 Republican primary on May 29, Sue Melton of Waco. (The two articles are behind the Trib’s paywall; links are below.) But we did want to note how the […]

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