Never Mind Indiana — The Legislative Assault on LGBT Texans Is Even Worse

Indiana’s anti-LGBT discrimination has been hot news since last week. But Texas is in a league of its own when it comes to anti-LGBT discrimination legislation this year. We just sent out this joint press release with Equality Texas and the ACLU of Texas: While outrage grows over potential discrimination allowed by religious refusal laws […]

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Voucher Lobby Launches Full Frontal Assault on Texas Public Schools

Powerful interests pushing private school voucher schemes in Texas are launching today what might be their strongest attack on neighborhood public schools in years. The Senate Education Committee is hearing public testimony on three proposed voucher bills — each one of which could end up draining billions of dollars from public education to subsidize tuition at private and religious schools. […]

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TFN Tells Texas Lawmakers: Stop the Temper Tantrum over Freedom to Marry

Today the State Affairs Committee in the Texas House of Representatives is taking up outrageous legislation that would force public officials to disregard any U.S. Supreme Court ruling that the ban on same-sex marriage in Texas is unconstitutional. We sent out the following press release. HOUSE BILL 1745 REPRESENTS A LEGISLATIVE TEMPER TANTRUM BY LAWMAKERS OPPOSED TO […]

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