Steven Hotze, the head of Conservative Republicans of Texas (which the Southern Poverty Law Center last year added to its list of hate groups), is asking supporters to pray for God to destroy lawmakers who support LGBT equality and women’s reproductive rights: […]
Texas Hate Group Spokesperson Once Again Exposes the Lies Behind Anti-Transgender Bill
Supporters of SB6, the so-called “bathroom bill” that would discriminate against transgender people who need to use a public restroom in Texas, often claim they’re simply trying to “protect” women and children from sexual predators. The bill, they insist, has nothing to do with targeting transgender people for discrimination. But they’re lying, as a spokesperson for Conservative Republicans of […]
Politicians Are Misusing Faith, Misleading on Claims about Safety to Scapegoat and Hurt LGBT Texans
Religious-right activists used a press conference on Wednesday to pressure Texas House members into passing SB6, which would require discrimination against transgender Texans in public restrooms. We sent out a statement in response. […]
Equality, Civil Liberties Groups Denounce Shameful Deal Pitting Rights of Transgender Texans against Planned Parenthood Funding
Last week Texas House members shamefully bartered over the lives of transgender Texans and women’s access to health care services. Today the Texas Freedom Network joined with our coalition partners to call out this outrageous bargain. Here’s the press release we sent out: […]
House Budget Vote: Big Defeat for School Vouchers, But the Right’s War on Women’s Health Care Continues
A marathon session in the Texas House on that chamber’s version of the state budget ended in the wee hours of this morning with a big victory in our fight against school voucher schemes but distressing actions in the continuing war on women’s reproductive health care. […]