Experts Ain’t What They Used to Be

Question: What do you do if you are appointed to a position — say, to an expert curriculum review panel — for which you have no relevant credentials or qualifications? Answer: Make up some fancy-sounding credentials. That appears to be what State Board of Education-appointed “expert” David Barton has done. As readers of TFN Insider […]

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Tell the Truth, Terri Leo

Add Terri Leo to the list of irresponsible Texas State Board of Education members attacking the faith of teachers and others who are helping revise the state’s social studies curriculum standards. She’s also not telling the truth, and she knows it. […]

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Sen. Shapleigh to SBOE: Skating on Thin Ice

Think Texas lawmakers forgot about the State Board of Education after this year’s legislative session came to a close on June 1? Don’t bet on it. Republican legislative leaders might have stopped efforts to reform the state board during the session, but the state board has done plenty since then to remind lawmakers why those […]

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‘Engage the Darwin-Lovers’

Are evolution deniers in the “intelligent design”/creationism movement adopting the disruptive tactics of rowdy folks who besieged “town hall” meetings in August to protest health insurance reform? We hope not. But  it’s a fair question considering an extra-credit assignment some students at a fundamentalist Christian seminary were offered last week. A little background: Southern Methodist University in […]

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Don McLeroy on Civil Rights: Not Pretty

It just gets worser and worser. [youtube=] So the countless civil rights workers who put their lives on the line and women who marched and lobbied for voting and equal rights — all of those generations of Americans who demanded that our country live up to its promise of justice and equality for all — have “the majority” to thank […]

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