Prisoner Swaps and the Politics of Deceit and Hate

For years, religious-right groups screamed that President Obama was ignoring the imprisonment of a Christian pastor in Iran. The American Family Association (a prominent backer of former Texas governor Rick Perry) has been so hateful that it even suggested the president cares more about Muslims than he does a Christian like that pastor, Saeed Abedini. Then […]

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David Barton Gives Platform to Notorious Anti-Muslim Hysteric Who Hosted White Nationalist

Phony historian and religious-right pooh-bah David Barton and his sidekick Rick Green (who is seeking a seat on the Texas Supreme Court) hosted one of the country’s most notorious anti-Muslim hysterics on their radio program this week. The WallBuilders Live! program Monday and Tuesday featured a discussion with Frank Gaffney, a man the Southern Poverty Law Center compares to the […]

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Who Will Stand? No, Seriously. Who?

TFN Insider is pleased to present this guest post from Rev. Michael Diaz, Director of Connections at Resurrection MCC Church in Houston. Rev. Diaz is a proud voice for social justice in his community for a host of issues, including equality for LGBTQ citizens. Lunch with Liberty Counsel Rev. Michael Diaz Religious-right propaganda distributed at the event […]

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Pastor: Federal Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage in Texas Is Historic for Both Religious Freedom and Civil Liberties

We just sent out the following press release about today’s historic federal court ruling that strikes down the Texas ban on same-sex marriage: The Rev. Dr. Larry Bethune, pastor of Austin’s University Baptist Church and a member of the Texas Freedom Network Board of Directors, has the following statement following today’s ruling by U.S. District […]

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Texas Education Agency Looking at Troubling Charter School Curriculum

According to a statement from the Texas Education Agency (TEA), the charter school operator at the center of an in-depth and highly critical article in the online magazine Slate on Thursday is “voluntarily conducting its own internal review.” TEA is also “looking” at the schools’ instructional materials. TEA released its statement today to Zack Kopplin, who […]

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