Texas Textbook Reviewers and Ernst Haeckel

All of us at the Texas Freedom Network are grateful for our friends at the National Center for Science Education. NCSE has been a fantastic partner in our battles at the State Board of Education, including the current debate over proposed new science textbooks for Texas public schools. Josh Rosenau, NCSE’s programs and policy director, […]

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Creationists Launch Their Assault on Science Education in Texas: Reviewers Push Publishers to Insert 'Creation Science,' Other Junk Science in New Biology Textbooks

Now the veil is dropped. We already knew that creationists on the State Board of Education had nominated anti-evolution ideologues to sit on teams reviewing proposed new high school biology textbooks in Texas. We now have seen the actual reviews from those ideologues — and they’re every bit as alarming as we warned they would […]

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What’s Happening with the Science Textbook Adoption? – Pt. 2

Late last week, TFN finally obtained an official list of the biology textbook reviewers who attended the in-person review panels in Austin earlier this month. You can see the list of reviewers – along with the products they were assigned – here. We don’t yet know what is contained in the official recommendations these teams […]

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What’s Happening with the Science Textbook Adoption?

For those of you who have been following the debate over science textbooks at the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE), here’s a simple explanation of where things currently stand: Initial drafts of science textbooks and instructional materials have an uncensored, robust discussion of evolution without any promotion of creationism or intelligent design. Review teams […]

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