Whitewashing History?

One of the most heated exchanges during Friday’s debate by Texas State Board of Education members over new social studies curriculum standards came during discussion on a standard about women and ethnic minorities working to overcome discrimination in the past. The proposed standard for high school U.S. history read: “Explain actions taken by people from different […]

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SBOE Postpones Further Demolition of Standards

The debate over the social studies curriculum standards ran so long that the State Board of Education has voted to postpone further debate on the standards until its March meeting. That means the final adoption of the standards will be pushed to May. We will keep you informed on developments. In the meantime, the Texas […]

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Live-Blogging the Social Studies Debate III

A video Web cast of today’s Texas State Board of Education hearing is available here. 9:42 – The Texas State Board of Education is resuming its debate and consideration of amendments for social studies curriculum standards. They will focus on high school courses today. 9:44 – It looks like they’ll begin with high school U.S. […]

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Live-Blogging the Social Studies Debate II

8:45 – We’re back for the rest of this long evening… 8:56 – Barbara Cargill wants a standard in the Grade 6 world cultures class that requires students to learn about the “importance of morality and ethics” for a well-functioning capitalistic economy. The motion passes. 9:01 – The board continues its tedious plodding through the […]

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Live-Blogging the Social Studies Debate

3:27 – The Texas State Board of Education is beginning its discussion and debate on new social studies curriculum standards. 3:47 – Oh, this is gonna be a lonnnggg afternoon… 3:53 – Board member Barbara Cargill has offered a variety of relatively minor amendments. 3:54 – To save our fingers, we’ll probably avoid recapping each […]

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