Rush Limbaugh: She’s a Birth Control Slut!

You just knew that right-wingers have been wanting to say something like this since the controversy over birth control erupted a few weeks ago. Last week Georgetown University law school student Sandra Fluke told a congressional panel why she believes health insurance plans  should cover birth control, even for women working at religiously affiliated institutions. […]

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A War on Modern Medical Care?

Does the religious right want to limit pregnant women’s access to modern medical care? It’s beginning to look that way. This past weekend Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum — endorsed by religious-right leaders meeting at a Texas ranch in January — came out in opposition to requiring that health insurance cover prenatal testing at no […]

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Aspirin as Birth Control

It’s thinking like this that filters down to school sex ed policies and gives states such as Texas a horrible track record with teen birthrates: “Back in my days, we used Bayer aspirin for contraception. The gals put it between their knees, and it wasn’t that costly.” That was said today by mutual fund manager […]

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Texas RR Groups Push War on Contraception

UPDATE: A CBS News/New York Times poll released yesterday shows that a large majority of Americans — including 61 percent of Catholics — appear to support the new rule requiring insurance plans to cover contraception even for women working at religiously affiliated institutions. *** Some religious-right groups in Texas are eagerly entering the war on […]

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Rick Santorum’s War on Contraception

It’s no surprise that Rick Santorum, who returned to Texas this week to campaign with pastors at a McKinney church near Dallas, is opposed to a federal requirement that employer health insurance plans cover contraception. But the Republican presidential candidate went even further on Friday: “This has nothing to do with access. This is having […]

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