More Anti-Sex Ed Lies from Activists for Failed Abstinence-only Programs in Texas

When Texas lawmakers have considered legislation promoting comprehensive, evidence-based sex education, religious-right groups have shamefully screamed that such classes will promote “recreational gay sex” and “drug-based sex education.” Unfortunately, those deeply dishonest arguments have been enough — so far — to scare legislators away from making responsible changes to sex education policies in a state […]

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Another Example of How the Texas Textbook Wars Undermine Education Far Outside the Lone Star State

We often hear questions about how the textbook wars in Texas affect what students learn across the country. Well, here’s another example for the file. Last month parents and physicians sued the Clovis Unified School District in California over that district’s abstinence-only-until-marriage sex education policy. According to a press release from the American Civil Liberties […]

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War on Women’s Health Care in Texas Is Already Limiting Access

The religious right’s war on contraception and reproductive health care for women — defended and promoted by a host of elected Texas officials like Gov. Rick Perry and state Rep. Wayne Christian — is already limiting women’s access to health services. The website RH Reality Check has been examining the consequences of a new state […]

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Next Week: Women’s Health Program Hearing

Before you head out for the long weekend, put this on your calendar for next week: Proposed changes to the Texas Medicaid Women’s Health Program get a public hearing in Austin next Tuesday afternoon. Here are the when and where details. There are real questions about whether this successful program, which provides basic health and […]

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Akin’s Claims Not New in Texas

You might want to sit down for this one: Todd Akin’s claim that a raped woman’s body will somehow shut down a pregnancy before it even happens is not supported by science. (I know, you’re shocked.) And, ironically, one of the most prominent elected officials now calling for Akin to step aside is endorsed by […]

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