2012 in Quotes: Neanderthal Edition I

With 2012 winding down, it’s  time for our annual review of what we heard from the far right over the past year. We’ll roll those out over the next week or so. Among the most outrageous quotes were those from politicians and activists who had some pretty outdated and incredibly offensive to say about rape […]

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The Consequences of the ‘War on Birth Control’ in Texas

Texas lawmakers in 2011, engaged in what one right-wing legislator openly called a “war on birth control,” cut $73 million from family planning services for poor and uninsured women. What are the consequences of that foolishness? From the Texas Tribune: “The latest Health and Human Services Commission projections being circulated among Texas lawmakers indicate that […]

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‘What It Really Means to Be a Woman’?

Penny Nance, president of the religious-right group Concerned Women for America, is angry that TIME magazine is considering Sandra Fluke for its Person of the Year. Fluke has been an outspoken advocate of the Obama administration’s new rule that contraception be covered in the health insurance plans offered by most employers. Right-wing politicians, activists and […]

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More Nonsense from Abstinence-Only Fanatics: ‘Drug-Based Sex Ed’

Abstinence-only activists are increasingly concerned that more and more school districts in Texas are moving to sex education policies that include medically accurate information on condoms and other forms of contraception and STD prevention. Their latest worry: Round Rock Independent School District just north of Austin. The lawyer/lobbyist for Free Market Foundation Liberty Institute Texas […]

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