Penny Nance, president of the religious-right group Concerned Women for America, is angry that TIME magazine is considering Sandra Fluke for its Person of the Year. Fluke has been an outspoken advocate of the Obama administration’s new rule that contraception be covered in the health insurance plans offered by most employers. Right-wing politicians, activists and […]
Reproductive Rights
On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States released a ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. Today, abortion is banned in Texas except under very limited exceptions — and to make things worse, anti-abortion extremists are going after mifepristone, one of the pills used in medication abortion.
While there is much uncertainty about our reproductive rights in post-Roe America, there is one thing we do know: Our fight to make abortion permanently legal, safe, and accessible for everyone cannot and will not stop.
Texas Freedom Network supports efforts to ensure all Texans have access to abortion and other reproductive health care services. That access requires adequate state funding and the broad availability of birth control, especially for underpaid Texans.
- Texas Freedom Network’s Post-Roe Info + Action Center
- Just Texas: Faith Voices for Reproductive Justice
- Texans Stand Up for Access to Birth Control: Results from a Statewide Survey of Texas Voters (2013 report)
- Sex Education in Public Schools: Progress in the Lone Star State (2011 report)
- Just Say Don’t Know: Sex Education in Texas Public Schools (2009 report)
The Week in Quotes (Nov. 11 – 17)
Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond. […]
More Nonsense from Abstinence-Only Fanatics: ‘Drug-Based Sex Ed’
Abstinence-only activists are increasingly concerned that more and more school districts in Texas are moving to sex education policies that include medically accurate information on condoms and other forms of contraception and STD prevention. Their latest worry: Round Rock Independent School District just north of Austin. The lawyer/lobbyist for Free Market Foundation Liberty Institute Texas […]
VP Nominee Ryan Says Contraception Mandate Will Hurt the Poor
Talking Points Memo reports that Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan argued today in Cleveland that the Obama administration’s requirement that most employers include coverage for contraception in health insurance for employees will actually hurt the poor. The mandate does not apply to churches and other houses of worship. Religiously affiliated institutions such as hospitals […]
GOP Candidates for Texas House Take Most Extreme Anti-Abortion Positions on Religious-Right Voter Guide
At least 32 Republican candidates on the November 6 ballot for the Texas House of Representatives have suggested that they would not support a woman’s right to seek an abortion even if she became pregnant as a result of rape or incest. According to answers on a voter guide sponsored by several religious-right groups in […]