Dragging Public Schools into the Abortion Wars

Reproductive health care in Texas, including abortion care and access to birth control and family planning services, has been under constant attack in Texas. Now politicians are trying to drag our public schools into the abortion wars. At least three proposed bills in the current Texas legislative session focus on abortion and public school classrooms. House Bill […]

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Proposed Texas Constitutional Amendments: Misusing Religion to Harm Others

Beware of politicians who propose legislation to protect religious freedom. It’s very important to read the fine print. Freedom of religion is one of our most fundamental rights as Americans. That’s why it is protected in the Texas and federal constitutions and why in 1999 a bipartisan majority in the Texas Legislature passed and a Republican […]

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TFN, Partner Orgs Unite in Fight Against Extreme Anti-Abortion Law in Texas

The Texas Freedom Network has joined with six other organizations in issuing a joint press release about today’s U.S. Fifth Circuit Court hearing on House Bill 2, the extreme anti-abortion law passed in 2013 by the Texas Legislature. AT FIFTH CIRCUIT HEARING, GROUPS UNITE IN FIGHT AGAINST HB 2 Appeals Court to Consider Challenge to Extreme Anti-Abortion Law […]

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Houston Rally: Religious-Righters Claim America Is on Nazi Path to Christian Persecution

The religious right’s fear-mongering about threats to religious freedom in America has really jumped the shark. The above clip is from the religious right’s I Stand Sunday event this past weekend in Houston. Right-wing groups sponsored the event, which was streamed to participating churches around the country. Speaker after speaker railed against abortion, marriage equality for same-sex […]

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