Lies from the Religious Right Target Abortion and Equality

Faith leaders teach that lying is a sin. So why do religious-righters distort the truth so shamelessly in pushing their extreme political agenda? You can see at least two big examples in Texas right now. One of the biggest falsehoods religious-right groups are pushing right now is the claim that Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood to help exterminate the […]

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Texas Home-School Lobby Group Misleads Parents as It Promotes the Culture Wars

The Texas Home School Coalition is a religious-right front group more interested in promoting a political agenda and fighting the culture wars than in ensuring kids get a good education. An email today from the group’s leader, Tim Lambert, demonstrates that point pretty clearly. The email to the group’s list touts a series of events around the state designed to rally opposition to protecting […]

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Far-right GOP Group Sets Hate Tour Dates Across Texas

Houston-based Conservative Republicans of Texas, run by the rabidly anti-gay Steven Hotze, announced today a list of events stretching from August into the fall that will target “adversaries” who support LGBT equality and abortion rights: “Christian, it’s time for us to stand up and fight to take back our government from the godless Secular Humanists, Pro-Abortionists and Political […]

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Anti-Abortion Extremists Would Rather Women Die Than Go to Planned Parenthood

Listening to right-wing radio often leaves us wondering whether we need to get a rabies vaccine. It’s really that bad. But we monitor those programs so we can shine a light on the frothing, hateful nonsense they promote. Case in point: today’s “Faith and Freedom” radio program from Liberty Counsel, the Florida-based organization so extreme that the Southern […]

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A Busy Sunday at the Legislature

It was a hectic Sunday at the Texas Legislature. Thank you to tall who took action and contacted your reps during the holiday weekend. Here’s what happened on what turned out to be not much of a holiday for legislators. Sanford’s anti-LGBT amendment State Rep. Scott Sanford, R-McKinney, did not get an opportunity to offer […]

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