CSCOPE Witch Hunt Flares Up Again: Sen. Patrick and AG Abbott Target Educators

Just two months after gutting a curriculum tool that nearly 900 Texas school districts were using, state Sen. Dan Patrick and Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott have decided they’re not done harassing educators and wasting taxpayer dollars. Last week Patrick called on the Texas State Auditor’s Office to review the operations of the Texas Education […]

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Will You Remember?

Today Texas Gov. Rick Perry signed sweeping anti-abortion legislation that severely restricts women’s ability to make their own medical decisions and decide whether and when to have children. Thousands of women and men from across the state have come to the Texas Capitol in recent weeks to protest the legislation’s passage. Many others took action […]

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What John Hagee Didn't Say

This is what rapidly changing attitudes and a shift toward acceptance and equality across the country, and even in Texas, will (potentially) do to the stridently anti-gay religious right. The San Antonio-Express News is out with a story this week about the Alamo City’s efforts to pass a non-discrimination ordinance that, among other things, says […]

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