A Look at the Texas Social Studies ‘Experts’

We reported in April that the creationist faction on the Texas State Board of Education was moving to pack a key “expert” review panel for the social studies curriculum revision with like-minded ideologues. (See here and here.) We now have the names of all the “expert” panelists. As with the science “expert” panel, it appears that […]

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Sunday’s murder of George Tiller, a doctor who performed abortions in Kansas, has brought condemnation from many, including some anti-abortion groups and activists. But not all the “condemnations” have been particularly convincing. Doug Phillips of San Antonio-based Vision Forum Ministries, released a statement: “Tiller the Killer” is dead. Who will mourn for this man? . . […]

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Why Aren’t They Telling the Truth?

Far-right groups have consistently and recklessly blamed religious discrimination for the Senate’s failure to confirm the nomination of Don McLeroy as chairman of the Texas State Board of Education. An e-mail today from Texas Eagle Forum: Don McLeroy’s opponents admitted he was “fair,” but simply did not like his Biblical worldview. Please thank him for his […]

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Religious Right Rallies Against Sotomayor

This was so completely predictable, wasn’t it? The religious right is exploding in expected fury at President Obama’s nomination of Sonia Sotomayor for the U.S. Supreme Court. Nevermind that the first President Bush appointed Sotomayor as a federal disrict judge. The religious right was determined to oppose any Obama nomination, whomever he chose (although Republicans have some difficult […]

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McLeroy Backs Fringe Social Studies ‘Expert’

How can he possibly be serious? Not satisfied with the two absurdly unqualified ideologues already appointed to a so-called “expert” review panel for new public school social studies curriculum standards, Texas State Board of Education Chairman Don McLeroy wants another that could be even worse. And he has been lobbying other board members hard to make […]

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