HIV in the Water Supply?

Common tactics within the anti-abortion movement include plenty of fear mongering and promoting of bunk science. If you can even call it science. Take, for example, Carol Everett of the anti-abortion organization The Heidi Group. Everett was on Fox 7 Austin this week defending a move by Texas officials, with the support of Gov. Greg Abbott, […]

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Remember This

Robert Jeffress, the Dallas religious-right leader, tweeted his praise of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump last night. Jeffress earlier this month argued, when talking about Trump, that it’s “biblical” to support a “strongman” in government. Remember this in the months ahead. […]

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Who Is Behind the Controversial Mexican-American Studies Text?

On Monday, TFN joined with a numerous other Texas organizations to counter Mexican American Heritage, a proposed textbook for Texas public schools which Mexican-American studies scholars and experts have found to be deeply offensive, simplistic and rife with factual errors. Take action: So who wrote the textbook? And what qualifications do they have? While […]

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Ad Calls Out Anti-LGBT Discrimination in TX; Abbott Shrugs

You might have seen this ad by Empire State Development, which is New York’s economic development agency. The intent of the ad is to lure business to set up shop in the state of New York. At roughly 50 seconds in, headlines float onto the screen, including one that says Gov. Greg Abbott is OK […]

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